Sunday, July 14, 2013


This is my very first blog, my second attempt at my first post. I had no idea how to even start, but I had been feeling the Lord leading me to do it. Well...after 3 hours I was happy at least I had set one up. Just as I was typing the last word my computer went down and Boom! it was gone. I am hoping for much better results this time! The Lord is so amazing! He truly never gives up on us! No matter who you are, no matter what you have done, no matter where you have been, God will meet you right where you are! Almost 2 years ago now, I was addicted to prescription pills, alcohol, and pot. I was taking pain pills, anti-anxiety pills, and anti-depressants. I was seeing 4 different Doctors and getting 3 prescriptions for the same pills. I was taking the maximum amount allowed by law on all three. X 4! For many years I had lived with tremendous fear. I'm not talking about being a little afraid of this or that. Full blown FEAR! An almost paralizing fear that never left me day or night. I heard a voice inside me all of the time telling me I was worthless, ugly, stupid, crazy...All day long my main goal was to not let anyone else find out. If they did they would put me away somewhere. I was completely convinced that I was stark raving mad and there was nothing I could ever do about it. Somehow I managed to live a somewhat normal life as far as others could see. But oh my goodness, I was so miserable. One day I knew I had come to the end of my rope, so to speak. I just knew I couldn't go on the way I had for so long. I got down on my knees and cried out to God to help me. Instantly the voice was completely gone from me. I wish I could say everything else from that point has been that easy. I got free from all the drugs and alcohol, going through terrible withdrawls for up to 45 days with one. As I look back now I see how the Lord strenghtened me through it all. I am still a work in progress! I just want everyone to know there is no person the Lord can't change! He is so amazing!!!


  1. Beautiful! Amazing! Wonderful! So glad you chose to share, sister. You have an amazing testimony thanks to an even more amazing Deliverer! Keep writing and sharing. If you do, the LORD will use your story to help many others.

    I love you!!

  2. From my friend, Sarah: AMAZING !!!! Let her know I'll be lifting you up in prayer ! Awesome testimony !

  3. Thank you for sharing your story! Rachel sent me here and I'm grateful I was able to read your story. Always amazing to see how God works and be reminded there is NOTHING He can't do! Thank you for helping He say that to me today!! Blessings!!

  4. Thanks Deena for your courage to share your story. God is good! Always good! I thank God for your story and the testimony of answered prayer. Rachel is my dear friend and I feel I know you already having prayed for you many times. Richest blessings to you. Lamentations 3:21-25

  5. Hi Teresa! I feel like I know you as well! Thanks for your prayers! I pray for you too! I have been meditating on Lamentations 3:21-25.


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